The clan Brujah cursed to carry the beast close to the surface. They supress all emotion lest the beast use it to come roaring to the surface and take over. The beast's proximity to the surface is also true of their antitribu brothers. However they have a different way of keeping the beast in check. They follow, instead of humanity, what the Sabbat call Paths of Enlightenment. Instead of supressing the beast they embrace, accept and gain power from it. Instead of fighting frenzy they give into it and "ride the wave" gaining the benefits of the frenzy without all the drawbacks. Our Sabbat counterparts are not the evil demon kindred that the Ventrue would like us to believe that they are. Don't get me wrong that doesn't mean that you can just walk up to one in the street and immediately become his best friend, because he's just as likely to beat you to a pulp and suck you dry as he is to shake your hand, but it means that you can give him some help if he needs it; so long as it doesn't put your ass on the line. That's because They are Brujah first before we are Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch or anything else. We really aren't that different. The Sabbat just see the role of vampires in this world differently than we Camarilla do. They view vampire's as the ultimate predator on the very top of the food chain. They also see themselves as crusaders for all kindred preparing for Gehenna, when the ancients will rise from their eternal slumber and in their hunger feast upon all the kindred of the world. When Gehenna comes the Sabbat believe they will save all kindred from the limitless hunger of the ancients. The only other difference between our Brujah Antitribu brothers and ourselves is that in the Sabbat those in charge are a lot less opressive than those who hold the power in the Camarilla.