The Kindred Clans

Gangrel - These animal-types are okay fighters. However, they care more about the Great Outdoors than fighting in the streets. When our interests match, then sometimes they'll help out. If we can get them on our side, well and good. If not, stuff'em.
•Malkavian - Vampires call this clan "Kooks" for good reason. Some make fine anarchs, some make equally fine lackeys for the princes. If one has proven himself to you, you can probably trust him. They've always got some good insights into whatever's going on. Just don't take your eyes off them.
•Nosferatu - This is the only clan we really get along with. Most princes are Ventrue or Toreador, and those two clans want nothing to do with Sewer Rats. The Nosferatu have got their own plans, sure, who can blame them for that? When they choose to get involved, though it is almost always on the side of the anarchs instead of the princes. One important thing to remember though, Don't tell anything to a Nosferatu that you don't want every kindred in the world to know. They will sell any information for the right price.
•Toreador - These art snobs are almost as obnoxious as the Ventrue. That's enough of an excuse right there to take on the clan. They're almost as bad as the Ventrue when it comes to ruling cities. If they could throw a decent party, it might be a different story. Never forget their betrayal at Carthage. Don't hold that against the young ones that may have proven themselves to you, but never forget that Carthage is proof of what their cowardice is capable of.
•Tremere - These mage guys are the most untrustworthy of all clans. They always got plans within plans within plans to the nth degree. Half the time even they don't know what they've got planned. And who's going to trust them as anarchs? The most important thing to remember about them is never let one get a hold of so much as a drop of your blood.
•Ventrue - The Enemy!! They stand for everything we hate. Esteem, high society and organization are what they value most. Of course, that's why more princes are Ventrue than of any other clan. The elders may go on about how the Ventrue ruined their "Dream of Carthage," but that's centuries of old news. they've got more than enough against us here and now to worry about why the whole thing started.
•Assamite - These guys are okay. They don't care about princes, they don't care about anarchs. They got a rep as the world's greatest assassins, and that's cool. They're schemers like the Tremere, but they don't have that blood bond to their elders. That makes them a little more trustworthy than the warlocks. If you hire them to do a job, they'll do it. Their rep's on the line. Of course, the princes can hire them as well. But at least you know where you stand with the assassins. Usually, they're either trying to kill you or trying to kill somebody else for you.
•Daughter's of Cacophony - (SHUDDER) Cross a Toreador's tight ass love of art and a Malkavian's mental stability and you get a Daughter of Cacophony. Avoid them if you can. If you have to fight one crush it's throat first cause they can mess you up with their voices.
•Followers of Set - The only good snake is a dead one. Believe it or not, these guys are worse than the Ventrue and Tremere. At least you know where you stand with the Blue Bloods and Warlocks. The Sand-Snakes are the master manipulators. They may claim to be you friends. They might give you what you ask for from them. But there's always a price.
•Giovanni - (SHIVER) Italian Ventrue who are into dead things and want to rule the world through money. Nuff said!
•Ravnos - This clan is okay. Its members are outsiders just like the Brujah. Princes don't trust them. A lot of the time, princes will pick on Ravnos when anarch action is at a lull. Nobody cares jack about Ravnos. They make good anarchs if you can convince them to settle down. And you've got to persuade them they've actually got a reason to overthrow a prince. Oh yeah? Watch your wallet when they're around.
•Samedi - Aw Man! GROSS! These things are like rotting corpses. Eww! Watch out for them though. They can put you in worse shape than they are.
•Sabbat - These licks are a lot like us. They hate authority, they hate organization and they hate the Ventrue/Toreador/Tremere triangle of power that wants to put us down. The problem is, the Sabbat don't care about the Masquerade. They're the one that will roar into some non-Sabbat city. They'll display their vampiric powers, and force the princes to scurry to cover up for the Sabbat's activities.
•Lasombra - These licks are the leaders of the Sabbat. They're worse than the Ventrue. At least with the Ventrue you know where you stand. They think that we are beneath them. The Lasombra get off on playing with darkness. Who knows how deep into the darkness they've sunk.
•Tzimisce - <*shiver!!!**twitch**twitch**twitch*> These fiends are worse than Tremere in some ways. A Tremere will steal your blood and use it to further his own goals; a Tzimisce will remove your *CENSORED* and attach it to your forehead just for kicks. Beware the fleshcrafters, that is unless your idea of fun is looking like a Picasso.
•Salubri - The eldest of our clan speak in hushed voices of a clan that existed long ago before the Tremere appeared. A clan with three eyes that could see into your soul and fix what's wrong with it. They're supossedly all dead now if they ever existed at all that is, but if they did exist and there are still some around and should you meet one give him all the help you can, as long as you don't get caught. Anybody that the Tremere hate that much has got to be a potential ally to a Brujah.
•Mages - Magicians are a secretive lot. Imagine Tremere without vampiric powers, but free to do what they want (and often with even more powers) and you have a good idea what the mages are like. Avoid them if you can although it's not an easy thing to do because by sight they look just like any other human, and by the time you realize that they're more than just some mundane human it's too late to get yourself out of trouble. DON'T drink their blood it can do nasty and unpredictable stuff to you and everyone around you.
•Changelings - Pixies and elves and sprites oh my! Yeah right! If there is one thing in this world that does not exist it's Faeries, and even if they did once they're long gone by now. The Malkavians claim that they are friends with the "Changelings" and that they have even visited Arcadia, the legendary home of the Changelings. But then again I once knew a Kook who thought he was a giant cartoon Mexican mouse that drank tequila.
•Wraiths - These spirits are the restless dead. Like the kindred death has given them no peace. Fortunately, while wraiths have great powers, they are either linked to a single location and easily avoided, or someone has to summon them. There are stories of those which travel the world, however, acting in all sorts