Vampyre Links
troll's Nosferatu site
- Primarily Nosferatu oriented...for now.
Abe Dashiell's Vampire Site
- Very Comprehensive list of Bloodlines, Disciplines, Paths and
Enchanted Items. Definitely worth checking out.
The mAlkaViaN wEb pAgE
- An amusing site for the children of Malkav. Recently revised!!
B.J. Zanzibar's World of Darkness Links
- A good jump point for more information about the World of
Vampire: The Masquerade site in France
- Louis Granboul's HUGE site is VERY comprehensive, and worth
checking out for SURE.
The VAMPYRES Film List.
- The most comprehensive vampire film list I've ever seen!
The Toreador Home Page
- They're Toreador, I know...but check it out anyway. (Smile.)
The Ventrue Home Page
- Ms. Hart's Ventrue home page in the UK. Remember, they're our
leaders. (Laughing.)
The Tremere Home Page
- Now THESE guys scare me...Keep an eye on 'em, huh?
The Giovanni Home Page
- New page for the Clan Giovanni. Also some good general info.
Tristessa's Toreador Home Page
- A new Toreador Page...GOOD of the better Toreador pages.
Le Salon de la
- A REALLY good Toreador page. (As if one were possible.) Great content.
The Elysium V:tM Page
- Nicely designed RP page. Good auxiliary content and solid links.
The Senate of Hamburg
- A fine background page for the kindred goings on in Hamburg, Germany.
Gothic Links
The Dark Side
- Pretty cool Gothic site, including Siouxsie's home page!!
Death's Home Page
- Assorted gothic content, with good design.
BLAM! Magazine
- An online magazine put out by NecroEnema Amalgamated. Check it
Dark Side of the Web
- Carrie Carolin's wholly amazing list of things in her humble
opinion are gothic and/or dark in nature. A GREAT jumping off point
for Goth fans.
Other Links
My Baby.