Poetry for the DEAD

This page is dedicated to my dear Friend ^Cybil^ who enlightened me to Lord Byron's Poetry .
Thank you .


He comes to me in the darkness, His skin a glowing white, Fangs like porcelain, glimmering as he tries to smile. His smooth head, and taut skin, The distended ears apparent, He hangs his head in shame. I have no fear of this immortal man, My icy heart feels nothing now, Surrounded by the walls of pain. He looks into my soul and sees, Things that none have known, A tiny bit of fire still burns. I did not look for him on this night, As I turned my self into my darkness, But I watched as he approached. He took my hand and softly placed, The kiss of life upon the wrist, The spark ingnites briefly. Then I look into his eyes, seeing The truth, the fate that awaits me, And he starts to chip at the walls. Slowly, I feel the pain slip away, Afraid as I am, as I have been, I smile, if only for the moment. And I feel inside, the shattering, The breaking of the icy shroud, He has set me free.